드림콘서트 인사 영상
동동신기 미공개 리액션캠
한밤 예고
영통 팬싸
https://twitter.com/_joming/status/1285568816395608064?s=21원희☠️ on Twitter
“200721 예사 팬싸 세훈🐣❤️ 지난 영통 때 녹화 못하고 떨어서 폭망.. 이번엔 맘 단디 잡고 준비함😭 🤓:세훈아 10억뷰 끝 부분에 '좋아 좋아요' 듣고 싶어! (제일 끝) 기다리고 있는데 갑자기..
https://twitter.com/myheartbeats_61/status/1285545454336278528?s=21레미러브열 on Twitter
“200721 세훈 영통🐥💛 우리 한평생 사랑하자ㅋㅋㅋㅋ🧡🧡 @weareoneEXO #세훈_찬열 #SEHUN_CHANYEOL #EXO_SC #1BillionViews #10억뷰 #EXO_SC_10억뷰 #세훈 #SEHUN #엑소 #EXO #weareoneEXO https://t.co/9fb8ALQlap”
https://twitter.com/myheartbeats_61/status/1285600728715845638?s=21레미러브열 on Twitter
“200721 세훈 영통🐥💛 곧 끝날때 세훈이가 갑자기 "自己照顧自己 (자기를 잘 챙겨 주세요) “ 말했어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 아 세훈이 진짜 너무 조아요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 처음 시작할 때 내가 세훈이에게 오늘 나
https://twitter.com/selukais/status/1285568919927808002?s=21세루카이스 on Twitter
“200721 YES24 영통팬싸 #세훈 #SEHUN 🐥다음에 싱가폴에서 콘서트으로 만나요, 알겠죠? Let's meet at SG concert next time, alright? 🐥잘 지내고 아프지말구여~ I hope you'll be well & don't get sick~ 👧해적2 촬영
https://twitter.com/selukais/status/1285545825557344258?s=21세루카이스 on Twitter
“200721 YES24 영통팬싸 #세훈 #SEHUN 👧 부탁 하나 있어요! I have a request! 🐥 뭐에요? What is it? 👧 영어단어를 3개 있는데 읽어주시면 안될까요? I have 3 English words, can you read it? 🐥 Ok! 알려줘요 Tell me
https://twitter.com/selukais/status/1285561304103612417?s=21세루카이스 on Twitter
“200721 YES24 영통팬싸 #세훈 #SEHUN I was telling Sehun about some difficult things I've been facing recently, he asked if I have anything I like doing and then he gave me a couple of methods to de-stress plus lots of encouragement ㅠㅠㅠ❤❤
https://twitter.com/hunnie_128/status/1285544177070039040?s=21fly yuzu AAAA (´・ω・`) on Twitter
“200721 YES24 FANISGN 영통팬싸 #세훈 #찬열 #SEHUN Was asking Sehun his fav ballad when Chanyeol suddenly came and said “Oh you guys are wearing couple tees” I was shocked and went OMOMOMO and they laughed and copied me😭😭Sehun then said
https://twitter.com/wshxunqi/status/1368059201226862592?s=21paradise sehun supremacist on Twitter
“200721 #SEHUN #世勋 #セフン #세훈 I asked him what his favorite line was from ON ME and while thinking it over he !!!!!! POUT ‼️‼️ not in vid but he threw the question back to me before he answered, so I replied “forever love sad happy